Friday, May 28, 2010

Time Flies

I haven't been very great about posting lately, so I thought that I would post a few new pictures and things that we have been up to.

Dancing is finished for the year. We finished up with our Dance Review and Dance competition the end of April. They did so awesome... superiors in every single dance we competed. It was a fun year, but it is good to have a tiny break until summer lessons start.

Kaysha is doing great. She has two new teeth that she loves to bite with! She is getting cuter everyday, and it really is so fun to have a little girl! She loves Revin more than anyone, I just hope it lasts.

Revin is 3 now. He really is so so smart! He amazes me every day with the little things that he knows and I have no idea where he knows them from. He loves showing off that he can sing his ABCs, draw a picture of anyone, count in spanish, and that he knows all of his shape... even an oval... the sad thing is that I think he might learn it all from watching Nick Jr :) He is such a good big brother and so sweet to Kaysha.

We have been trying to work on the outside of our house lately. We got the rock done around the archway, put up new shutters, got our sod in, now we are waiting on a block wall that should be done in June and a little more rock work on the front, but we are so excited that it is all coming together! Other than that Dan is just super busy which is good and bad, and I am enjoying the summer with my kids and getting ready for summer dance classes :)

1 comment:

Preston, Kami & Zach said...

Wow your kids are so big and your house is beautiful. We really should get together and have a playdate.